The Zerah Priestly Carter Scholarship Request Letter

Dear Alumni and Friends,

Zerah Priestly Carter bravely stepped onto the campus of Evansville College. She paved the way for bright, ambitious African-American students to pursue a quality education and successful career path. The Zerah Priestly Carter Endowed Scholarship was created by the University of Evansville African American Alumni Association (UEAAA) to honor Ms. Carter and to demonstrate to current and future students that there is a community of supporters who are committed to their success. In April 2024, UEAAA continued to invest in the academic endeavors of UE students by proudly renewing the Zerah Priestly Carter Endowed Scholarship for six returning Aces.

Over the last two decades, generous alumni and friends have made significant contributions to ensure endowment of this scholarship. This is truly amazing and life-changing, and we want to do even more to create change in our community and world. Unfortunately, fundraising efforts were restricted during the past year, while UEAAA and the ZPC Committee worked diligently with the administration of UE to maintain the existence of the ZPC Scholarship for UE’s African-American students. Now, to continue providing this financial support to deserving students, we need your help. UEAAA’s goal is to increase this endowment to $250,000 by the end of 2025. By doing so, we can impact even more lives and continue to further Ms. Priestly’s legacy.

In honor of the year 2025, please consider making a one-time or recurring donation of $25, $250, $2,025, or any amount that you are comfortable providing to this transformational scholarship. You can return your gift in the self-enclosed envelope or by visiting and selecting the Zerah Priestly Carter Scholarship under “other designations.” Your gift is tax deductible and Indiana taxpayers may take a tax credit of 50% of their gift to the University of Evansville (up to $100 for a single filer and up to $200 for joint filers). Above all else, it’s important to know that gifts of every size create a real difference in the lives of UE students, and show the world what it means to be an Ace. Thank you for your contribution!

If you have questions or wish to learn more about the ZPC Scholarship, or if you’d like to see how you can become more active in UEAAA, please contact Megan McCombs, Director of Alumni and Engagement, (812) 488-2586, or

Thank you and GO ACES!

Shateka Bard, UEAAA President
Krinai Sullivan, ZPC Scholarship Committee Chair

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